I think this specific situation goes back to the idea that Holden is trying to grow up and actlike an adult, but inside he's still just a kid. Holden is trying to act like an more mature by ordering a prostitute in the first place, but when she gets there all he can do is talk becaus ehe really is a kid. When both the prostitute and Maurice come back to his room, he once again tries to act like an adult. But I think this was the wrong decision to make. If he had just given Maurice th five dollars that he "owed" him, he would have avoided getting himself into serious trouble. I don't understand why he didn't just give up when Maurice started approaching him. They, did in fact, end up getting five dollars anyway by taking it themselves out of his wallet. To me, Holden's decision to refuse them payment in this situation made no sense.
I think by Holden,having this need to feel mature, he gets himself into a lot of trouble. What he thinks is mature is sometimes something that he is too immature to stand behind and carry though. Other times he's still just too young to act in certain ways.